Learning Center

Proper care for trees and shrubs is a big deal for us at Arborscapes. That’s why we spread knowledge about the proper care and development of all trees and shrubs, not just the ones we work on!

Wood Boring Insects: The Silent Killers

Wood-boring insects are a group of pests that spend part of their adult or larval life feeding and tunneling beneath the bark or into the heartwood of trees. While there …

5 Tips to Help Your Plants During Richmond Winters

Ah, Richmond. Home of the Kinda-Sorta winter. For every couple of days of below freezing lows, a handful of days with temperatures in the sixties is surely around the …

On Our Radar: Spotted Lanternfly

This week, we bring news of a new pest in the arboricultural field that was confirmed in Pennsylvania in 2014 and has most recently been spotted in Winchester, Virginia …

Emerald Ash Borer – A Rising Threat to Central Virginia’s Ash Trees

Since 2002, millions of ash trees have fallen prey to the Emerald Ash Borer. Discovered in Michigan, but native to Asia, this insect has spread through the northern …

An Ounce of Prevention

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” - Benjamin Franklin Spring is right around the corner. Can you feel it? Central Virginia is certainly playing …

Bagworms can be Pesky Pests

Bagworm caterpillars are abundant in Virginia, and get their name from their spindle-shaped bags, which are sometimes mistaken for pine cones, that hang from trees. …